The Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education is a Continuing Nursing Education Provider accredited by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong & a Post-registration Education in Midwifery Provider accredited by the Midwives Council of Hong Kong

HKSNE activities highlight 2006 – 2012

14 April 2012

26th Anniversary Symposium
- Mr To HoiChu - Neurogenic Bowel Care
- Dr Tan Siok Bee - APN Care Outcomes
- Ms Lim Su Fee - Pioneering Moments of APN

3 December 2010

Meeting with the Planning Committee of College of Education and Research in Nursing

3 December 2010

Meeting with Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Preparatory Committee

1 December 2010

Invited to visit Tongguan Kanghua hospital

26 November 2010

Participated in "Forum on Healthcare Reform Second Stage Public Consultation" organized by the Food and Health Bureau

24 September 2010

Participated in orgainising the 61st National Day Anniversary.dinner

30 June – 3 July 2010

Professional Visit to Singapore

15 May 2010

Joined the celebration of International Nurses' Day

10 April 2010

Participated in Health Carnival organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Preparatory Committee.

February 2010

Meeting with Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 (中聯辦)

20 March 2010

24th Annual General Meeting with Scientific Meeting

14 November 2009

Co-organized a conference - "Disease Management" with the Sino-Portuguese Nurses Association in Macau.

31 Oct-4 Nov 2009

Professional visit to Beijing as one of the activities for the 60th National Day Anniversary

19 September 2009

Participated in orgainising the 60th National Day Anniversary. including a gala dinner, a conference entitled 'Healthy Nation, Healthy Hong Kong'

18-21 August 2009

Participate in the Centennial Celebration of Chinese Nursing Association and co-organised the Third Nursing Conference on Advanced Practice which was part of the Centennial Celebration programme.

6 June 2009

Co-orgainsed an open Forum with Hong Kong deputies to the National People's Congress

20 May 2009

Met Fulbright scholar Prof. Tanya Whitehead at a seminar and in consultative meetings to share her views on the establishment of HK Academy of Nursing.


As being core committee members of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Preparatory Committee (HKANPC), Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of the Society had met Prof. Gabriel Leung, Undersecretary, Food and Welfare, to provide him with an update of the work of the HKANPC.

4 April

23rd Annual General Meeting and Anniversary Symposium: Nurses ' contribution to contemporary disease management

21-23 November 2008

Co-organized the Second Nursing Conference on Advanced Practice with the Macau Polytechnic Institute.

11 May

Joined the "International Nurses' Day Walk - Towards our new

19 April 2008

Co-organized an open Forum of Health Care Financing Reform with other organizations

8 March 2008

22nd Annual General Meeting and Anniversary Symposium: Trends of development of contemporary health care services: Opportunities and challenges for nursing

11 November 2007

Co-organised with Luso-Chineses Nurses' Association of Macao in organizing ' The Third Macao-Hong Kong Nursing Conference '

September 2007

Meeting with Dr. York Chow for the purpose of discussing the formation of the Hong Kong Academy of Nursing.

20 August 2007

Meeting with Mr. Anthony Wu, the chairperson of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to express the Society's view on one level of nursing education at the meeting.

9-20 July 2007

Educational visit to Tibet.:

  1. The Tibet 2nd People's Hospital in Lhasa
  2. The Medical College in Tibet University in Lhasa
  3. The Medical School of Tibetan traditional medicine in Lhasa
  4. The Medical School of Qinghai Medical Universities in Xining

1-8 April 2007

Collaborated with the College of Nursing, Hong Kong and the Hong Kong College of Nursing Management, organized a one-week China Orientation Programme at Tsinghua University, Beijing

9 March 2007

21st Annual General Meeting and Scientific Meeting: Community partnership: Nurses contributions

12-19 August 2006

Educational visit to Qingdao and Dalian:
1. Qingdao Municipal Hospital
2. Nursing School of Medical College, Qingdao Medical University
3. Nursing Department, Dalian Medical University
4. Community College, Dalian Medical University


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Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education Limited: P.O. Box 98898 Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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